Retail (Daily) Trading - NIFTY50, SP500 |
OptiRisk has promising strategies with convincing back-test results for NIFTY50 and SP500. In order to expand the reach of our strategies to a wide community of traders and investors, we have collaborated with two retail platforms where these two indices and their constituents are traded. |
Tradetron is a retail trading platform/marketplace and is well set up for NIFTY50 trading. OptiRisk’s NIFTY50 Gap Strategy (close-to-open) was posted here until November 2021. The strategy has now been stopped; we have developed a more robust close-to-close strategy which will soon be live. |
Collective2 is a retail trading strategy/marketplace for the US market. OptiRisk is about to launch two of its latest strategies (Two-Asset and Three-Asset Strategies) on this platform. The strategies trade with E-mini (or E-micro) futures, VIX Futures and Cash as the traded assets. |
Research AI/ML for Prediction and Trading |
Over the last year, OptiRisk has spent extensive effort to strengthen their Data Science and Analytics team. The team is working on Quant and Machine Learning models to forecast market movement. The idea is to use various Quant and ML models to generate an ensemble directional prediction (UP/DOWN/FLAT) of the index or an asset.This ensemble market direction prediction is an important piece of information fed to our proprietary asset allocation system (SSD). |
OptiRisk currently has some very promising and high return (with low downside) strategies in NIFTY50 and SP500 that use ensemble predictions from various Quant and ML models. |
Sentiment Analysis and Trading |
OptiRisk are leaders in the field of Sentiment Analysis. |
We have been using sentiment data (news and social media) from various sources to improve our prediction models and asset allocation model. |
TradeSES Makeover (Beta) |
OptiRisk developed its TradeSES platform to showcase its strategies in 2017. As the company’s focus moved to sustained research and finding winning strategies the development was put in to abeyance. After we reorganized our systematic trading team, Dr Alessandro Porrino has restarted the development; he has carefully chosen implementation tools. The system has been fully redesigned and beta version will be posted in the new year. Look out for a launch date on our social media pages. |
AML Optimization Products |
OptiRisk continues to offer Optimization products and services to academic institutions and commercial users. |
Our in-house optimization modelling product AMPLDev, incorporates Linear Programming, Integer Programming and Stochastic Programming modelling features. We updated AMPLDevSP making it compatible with high-dpi displays. We have started testing a new version, a major revision based on AMPL API, which will include data modelling and a visualization tool. |
OptiRisk Systems is a partner of AMPL Optimization and also a contractor for the support and maintenance of AMPL IDE. The recent development of AMPL IDE includes major upgrades in the underneath platform. Many performance improvements and bugfixes are addressed for the next major release. |
OptiRisk, in partnership with AMPL Optimization, is maintaining and enhancing six APIs for AMPL, enabling access of all AMPL features from C++, Java, .NET, Matlab, R and Python. |
Whitepapers and SSRN |
OptiRisk was in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads for second consecutive year. |
Title: Forecasting Crude Oil Futures Prices Using Global Macroeconomic News Sentiment |
Authors: Zryan A Sadik, Paresh M Date, Gautam Mitra |
OptiRisk is proud to announce that this Whitepaper published in the IMA Journal of Management Mathematics as a research paper is the winner of the Best Paper Prize of 2020 for the journal. |
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Title: The New Landscape of Financial Markets: Participants and Asset Classes |
Authors: Dina Baigurmanova, Gautam Mitra, Shrey Jhunjhunwala |
In their paper, the authors explain the importance of Market Microstructure in the study of the Financial Markets; and then describe the Market Participants who collectively comprise the Financial Market. |
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Events |
EPAT(NSA) to CSAF Training |
In 2020, OptiRisk in collaboration with QuantInsti and UNICOM, developed and delivered the popular online instructor led training programme - EPAT Specialization: News, Sentiment and Alternative Data. The course was designed for finance professionals seeking to develop their careers in modern methods of Algorithmic and Quantitative Trading. |
In 2021,OptiRisk and its partners enhanced and evolved this training programme into a certification course – CSAF(Certificate in Sentiment Analysis and Alternative Data for Finance). It is designed and delivered by leading global Algorithmic Traders, Sentiment Pundits, Quantitative Modelling experts and High Frequency Trading thought-leaders. CSAF is comprehensive and provides unparalleled insight into the world of algorithms and the latest financial technologies. Started on 11 December 2021, is the first cohort of a 60-hour instructor-led course held during weekends. The course is supported with various case studies and provides post-training placement and career guidance. |
Click here to know more |
Publications - OptiRisk Series in Finance |
OptiRisk has recently signed a publication deal with the publishers ‘Taylor Francis/CRC Press and Informa Group’ whereby the two parties are launching a publication series: ‘Taylor Francis/CRC Press and OptiRisk series in Finance’. |
The first publication in this series are two volumes of the Handbook, namely, The Handbook of Alternative Data in Finance Vol I (Publication date: July 2022) and Vol II (Publication date: December 2022). The another Handbook in the planning stage is Quantum Computing in Finance. |
Potential contributors (Subject Experts and Technology Heads of vendor organisations) may submit contributions for The Handbook of Alternative Data in Finance Vol II (Publication date: December 2022) and Quantum Computing in Finance. Please write to publications@optirisk-systems.com to enquire about (i) the submission process and (ii) the timeline for publication. |
Partnerships and Joint Ventures |
GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals) - OptiRisk has a long association with GARP dating back to 1999. GARP sets the global standard in professional certification with the Financial Risk Manager (FRM®) and Energy Risk Professional (ERP®) certifications. These programs are rigorous and very well respected across the globe. By demonstrating expertise and commitment to better risk management practices, Certified FRMs and ERPs stand apart in their respective organizations. |
CAIA Association - CAIA (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst) Association seeks to improve investment and societal outcomes of capital allocation through professional education, transparency, and thought leadership across all investor alternatives in our industry. CAIA has a long relationship with OptiRisk which has brought about various new opportunities. |
FDP Institute - The FDP (Financial Data Professional) Institute provides world-class education to financial professionals to meet the accelerating needs of digital transformation in the industry. FDP Institute have provided great speakers and panelists at OptiRisk-UNICOM’s conferences and are partnering with us for our upcoming “Handbook of Alternative Data in Finance”. |
QuantInsti - QuantInsti is one of the world's biggest algorithmic & quantitative trading institutes, and today, it has learners from 200+ countries and territories. Professor Mitra has been their advisor since many years. QuantInsti along with OptiRisk and UNICOM offers Certification course in Sentiment Analysis and Alternative Data For Finance (CSAF™). |
Achievement |
OptiRisk was recognized as one of the 10 Fastest Growing Fintech Companies in 2021 by CIO coverage. |
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Credits |
This newsletter was compiled by Akshita Porwal and supported by Sarah Amin and Shradha Berry. |